Volunteer Opportunities

Are you passionate about scientific research and engaging with your peers? Share your expertise, develop leadership skills, and enhance your professional network! Your involvement is crucial for driving our mission forward and shaping the future of our organization. We invite you to apply for a position on our Board of Directors or on one of our committees for the upcoming term.

Board of Director Positions

  • President-Elect (1 open position)
  • Director (2 open positions)
  • Student/Postdoc Director (1 open position)

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Open Committee Positions

  • Ambassador Committee (4 open positions)
  • Committee for Early-Career Anatomists (CECA) (5 open positions)
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (3 open positions)
  • Educational Affairs Committee (3 open positions)
  • Human Body Donation Committee (1 open position)
  • Journal Trust Fund & Investment Committee (2 open positions)
  • Professional Development Committee (2 open positions)
  • Program Committee (4 open positions)
  • Publications Committee (3 open positions)

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All nominations and applications are due September 17

 Apply Now