Not sure if volunteering is right for you? Find information and inspiration here.

We are firmly committed to welcoming, developing, and maintaining scientists, educators, and volunteers in a culture that embraces individuals with diverse life experiences. Volunteer leaders must reflect those values. We encourage members from all regions, all anatomical sciences, and all aspects of our membership to apply, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, mental or physical ability, age, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation.

2025 Call for Volunteers

Learn new skills. Advance your association.

We are building an energetic, inclusive, and innovative group of volunteer leaders. Together, we can accomplish incredible things, move the association forward, and advance the anatomical sciences.

Learn more about each Committee before you apply. 

Opportunities are currently available to serve on several committees:

Ambassador Committee - 4 Open Positions

Committee for Early-Career Anatomists - 5 Open Positions

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee - 3 Open Positions

Educational Affairs Committee - 4 Open Positions

Human Body Donation Committee - 3 Open Positions

Journal Trust Fund and Investment Committee - 1 Open Position

Program Committee - 2 Open Positions
Preference given for the following research areas: 
Cardiac Biology
Physical Anthropology

Professional Development Committee - 4 Open Positions

Publications Committee - 3 Open Position

AAMC's Council of Faculty and Academic Societies (CFAS) - 1 Open Position
Represents academic medicine faculty and academic societies within the AAMC’s governance and leadership structures. The council provides a voice for faculty and academic societies about critical issues to the AAMC as they relate to creation and implementation of the AAMC’s programs, services and policies.

Application Deadline is September 17

 Apply Now

Application Process

  • Applications are solicited annually through a Call for Volunteers
  • Applications are reviewed and scored by the committee chairs and members; scores, demographics, needs of the committee, and comments from the reviews are taken into consideration when choosing new members
  • New committee members are chosen, and then reviewed by the Nominating Committee
  • The new committee members are approved by the full Board of Directors
  • After Board approval, notifications are sent out. Feedback is given if requested by the applicant

Volunteering FAQ

Can I apply for more than one committee? 

  • No, review the individual committee pages and choose the committee that you are most interested in. 

Can I apply for the same committee that I'm currently serving on if my term is up at the end of the year? 

  • No, we want to provide as many opportunities as possible for all our members, with priority given to those who have not yet served. 

Can I apply for a different committee if my term is up at the end of the year?