Strategic Plan

On December 7, 2020, the Board of Directors formally approved an updated strategic plan, recommitting to and building upon its 2017 plan amid ever-changing research, educational, clinical, and societal environments. This plan serves as our roadmap for the future and helps focus our efforts to ensure the organization’s relevancy and viability. It is, above all, designed to fulfill our vision, mission, and values on behalf of the members of this vibrant organization. We are #ForAnatomy.


Association for Anatomy

A. AAA unites diverse scientists, the public, and policymakers to advance education and research in anatomy, biology, and health-related fields.

  1. Encourage scientists in anatomy-related fields to find a welcoming home in AAA.
  2. Increase awareness of the value of the anatomical sciences across the broader scientific community.
  3. Equip AAA members to inspire scientific curiosity through public outreach and science communication.
  4. Advocate for supportive public policies and vital investments in research to advance anatomy as an essential science.


Annual Conference and Learning Integration

B. AAA connects a global community of anatomical scientists, educators, and students through annual and regional meetings, virtual learning, and scholarly publishing.

  1. Establish an independent, standalone annual meeting that showcases the diversity of scientific and educational research in anatomy and related biological and biomedical sciences.
  2. Increase active collaboration with other associations involved in anatomy and related sciences.
  3. Integrate AAA’s journals with the association’s annual meeting and various learning experiences.
  4. Establish a strategy for year-round virtual learning.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

C. AAA strives to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion through its work within the association and by active engagement with other scientific societies and the public.

  1. Increase representation and engagement of individuals from diverse and underrepresented groups as association leaders.
  2. Identify and recognize diverse individuals through awards, grants, and scholarships.
  3. Assist individuals from diverse and underrepresented groups in discovering, establishing, and advancing their careers in anatomy.
  4. Join initiatives to ensure greater diversity and inclusion in the sciences and equity within society.


Organizational Effectiveness

D. AAA will invest sufficient resources to strengthen the association’s effectiveness, resiliency, and impact.

  1. Obtain the staffing and technical capabilities to host an independent annual meeting.
  2. Invest in the content, platforms, and technical expertise to expand AAA’s virtual learning opportunities.
  3. Implement a strategy to introduce the association to scientists and educators in anatomy-related fields.