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AAA Regional Meeting

Anatomy Across Scales: From Molecules to Organisms

October 7-8, 2022

The University of Iowa, hosted by the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology
Iowa City, IA

Abstracts »  Registration » Schedule » 


To be considered for an oral presentation: September 11, 2022
To be presented as a poster only: September 27, 2022 - EXTENDED

Regional meetings include:

  • Discounted registration rates for AAA Members and affordable rates for Non-members
  • No abstract submission fee. One free abstract submission (per person) is included with your registration. Abstracts will be programmed as either an oral or poster presentations. Speakers for platform presentations will be selected from abstract submissions.
  • Up to $1,200 in awards will be presented to students for poster competitions
  • Continental breakfast, lunch, and evening reception offer networking opportunities



Pre-registration deadline:  September 28, 2022


AAA Members

  • Faculty Member - $40
  • Postdoc Member- $20
  • Medical/Graduate Student Member - $20
  • Undergraduate Member - $20



  • Faculty Non-Member - $50  
  • Postdoc Non-Member- $30
  • Medical/Graduate Student Non-Member - $30
  • Undergraduate Non-Member - $30
  • High School Student – free
  • High School Teacher - free


Regional Meeting Planning Committee

  • Martine Dunnwald (co-organizer)
  • Tina Tootle (co-organizer)
  • Ben Calvert
  • Willow Schanz 
  • Nicole Recka
  • Riley Leonard
  • Colin Kenny


Anti Harassment Policy

All AAA events adhere to our anti-harassment policy. By registering for this event, you are agreeing to this policy statement.


Location of hotels

We do not have a room block for the meeting, but here is a list of local hotels to stay:


Closest airport

Eastern Iowa International Airport (CID)

For any additional details on transportation, please visit The University of Iowa website.  

Photo Credit: Elliot Dunnwald

Important Information


Submission Deadline: September 11, 2022 (to be considered for an oral presentation)

Submission Deadline: September 27, 2022 (to be presented as a poster only) - EXTENDED

Submit Abstract »


Pre-registration Deadline: September 28, 2022

Register »

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