Past Presidents

We honor and thank the following volunteer leaders who served members and the anatomical sciences since the Association’s founding in 1888.

2021-2023 Valerie DeLeon

2019-2021 Rick Sumner

2017-2019 Phil Brauer

2015-2017 Kimberly Topp

2013-2015 Lynne Opperman

2011-2013 Jeffrey T. Laitman

2009-2011 Kathryn Jones

2007-2009 David Burr

2005-2007 Kathy Svoboda

2003-2005 Robert S. McCuskey

2001-2003 John F. Fallon

1999-2001 Robert D. Yates

1997-1999 Bruce M. Carlson

1996-1997 Gary C. Schoenwolf

1995-1996 Michael D. Gershon

1994-1995 Charles E. Slonecker

1993-1994 Donald A. Fischman

1992-1993 Alan Peters

1991-1992 William P. Jollie

1990-1991 Karen Hitchcock

1989-1990 Jerome Sutin

1988-1989 Roger R. Markwald

1987-1988 Henry J. Ralston, III

1986-1987 Douglas E. Kelly

1985-1986 John V. Basmajian

1984-1985 A. Kent Christensen

1983-1984 Allen C. Enders

1982-1983 John E. Pauly

1981-1982 Elizabeth D. Hay

1980-1981 Sanford L. Palay

1979-1980 Daniel C. Pease

1978-1979 Berta V. Scharrer

1977-1978 Newton B. Everett

1976-1977 Carmine D. Clemente

1975-1976 John C. Finerty

1974-1975 Russel T. Woodburne

1973-1974 John W. Everett

1972-1973 William U. Gardner

1971-1972 David Bodian

1970-1971 Raymond Carl Truex

1969-1970 Roland H. Alden

1968-1969 Richard J. Blandau

1967-1968 Karl E. Mason

1966-1967 Donald Duncan

1965-1966 Don Wayne Fawcett

1964-1965 Charles Mayo Goss

1963-1964 Horace W. Magoun

1962-1963 Charles P. Leblond

1961-1962 Harold Cummins

1960-1961 Edward W. Dempsey

1959-1960 Normand Louis Hoerr*

1959-1960 H. Stanley Bennett*

* Dr. Hoerr was elected as President Elect for 1958-1959, but died in December 1958 before assuming the office of President. At the time of Hoerr's death, Don Fawcett was 1st Vice President and Stanley Bennett was 2nd Vice President. Dr. Fawcett declined to accept appointment as President to fill Dr. Hoerr's term. Dr. Bennett, therefore, agreed to serve as AAA President for 1959-1960.

1958-1959 Davenport Hooker

1957-1958 Barry J. Anson

1956-1957 Edward A. Boyden

1954-1956 Samuel R. Detwiler

1952-1954 Leslie B. Arey

1950-1952 Sam L. Clark

1948-1950 George W. Bartelmez

1946-1948 George W. Corner

1943-1946 J. Parsons Schaeffer

1942-1943 Edgar Allen

1940-1942 Philip E. Smith

1938-1940 S. Walter Ranson

1936-1938 Frederic T. Lewis

1934-1936 Warren Harmon Lewis

1932-1934 George E. Coghill

1930-1932 Herbert M. Evans

1928-1930 Charles R. Stockard

1926-1928 George L. Streeter

1924-1926 Florence R. Sabin

1921-1924 Clarence M. Jackson

1920-1921 C. F. W. McLure

1917-1920 Robert R. Bensley

1915-1917 Henry H. Donaldson

1913-1915 Gotthelf C. Huber

1911-1913 Ross G. Harrison

1909-1911 George A. Piersol

1908-1909 James P. McMurrich

1905-1908 Franklin P. Mall

1903-1905 Charles S. Minot

1899-1903 George S. Huntington

1895-1897 Frank Baker

1894-1895 Thomas Dwight

1891-1894 Harrison Allen

1888-1889 Joseph Leidy (founder)