Nominating Committee

Serves to prepare a slate of nominees for the elective offices of the Association; as well as to review committee appointments to make recommendations for the Board’s approval.


  • The chair of the Nominating Committee should solicit the names of potential candidates for office through a letter and/or email to the membership.
  • Once a final list of candidates slated for election is determined, it should be reviewed by the Executive Committee and Executive Director, and Board of Directors 
  • The committee reviews potential committee appointments and makes recommendations for the Board’s approval.
  • The committee is responsible for soliciting nominations for and selecting recipients for the following awards:
    Henry Gray Scientific Achievement Award
    Henry Gray Educator Award
    A.J. Ladman Award


  • Be an active member in good standing.



NameCompanyThru Date
Valerie DeLeonUniversity of Florida3/31/2025


NameCompanyThru Date
Emily DurhamChildren's Hospital of Philadelphia3/31/2025
Jeffrey LaitmanIcahn School of Medicine At Mount Sinai3/31/2025
Diana RigueurUniversity of California, Los Angeles3/31/2025
Bruce WainmanMcMaster University3/31/2025


The committee shall hold quarterly conference calls and at such other times as the business of the Association may require.


The chair will report to the Board at its spring and fall meetings.


  • This committee shall consist of 5 voting members.
  • The immediate Past President serves as chair for a two-year term.
  • The other 4 members will serve a one-year term that can be renewed for a second year.
    Of these, 2 should primarily represent the scientific interests and 2 should represent the educational interests of the Association.
    At least 1 of these shall be a former member of the Board of Directors.
  • Diversity of geography, gender, etc., should be taken into consideration.

Appointment Process

  • The chair will make recommendations to the leadership for filling vacancies on the committee.
  • The membership approves the appointments by vote at the Annual Meeting.