
Anonymous Anatomist (not a pooch 🐶)



My home office – I brought my screen home and set it up on the dining table.

My research continues – With data analysis, lit review, and writing.

COVID-19’s effect on students – They are stressed, and lack engagement with the material. We stay connected via frequent Zoom meetings.

My professional lifesaver – AAA is pretty much it!

Parenting during the pandemic – It’s been a challenge caring for a toddler while working. It requires keeping a double shift and working on research at night, which leads to less sleep – already lacking with the stress of the situation. I try to catch up by napping with my kid.

However, I appreciate – Seeing my kid grow daily. And quality time with my wife.

I get a lift from – Running with my dog, without the rush of commuting to work right after.

I’ve been gripped byThe Last Dance documentary on Michael Jordan, because it brought me back to my youth.

I really miss – Talking about silly things.

Mediocre milestone – Celebrating my mother’s birthday remotely was not great.

I look forward to – Having dedicated, focused space and time for all the facets of my life (not all at once in a confined space).