Shawn, Colby, Bill, Liz, Kelly, and Sophia

Headquarters Staff

  Follow AnatomyOrg  #AtHomeWithAAA    Read Members’ Quarantine Stories


Throughout May, we shared the struggles and successes of members around the world, who were in various degrees of lockdown due to COVID-19. If you would like to contribute your own quarantine story, please drop us a note.

As we flip the calendar to another month, we share some of our own stories for your enjoyment, because “staff” are people too! As lockdown lifts wherever you are, please stay safe, stay positive, and know that we are here to help!

As of June 1, the jurisdiction in which headquarters are located begins phase one of its reopening plan; staff continue to work remotely.

Our challenges & solutions

  • At first, it was a challenge to stick to working hours
  • It took a while for me to find my groove amid the friction of staying productive and concentrating while there is so much going on in the world
  • I bought a vertical “handshake” mouse to alleviate strain from clicking and scrolling all day long
  • We made a makeshift office area for son in the basement, so I don’t have to share mine with him while he’s distance learning
  • No home office and terrible chairs have been awful for my lower back – I bought a VariDesk so I’m not sitting all day and it’s made a world of difference

“I have always been someone who needed my house to be neat and tidy at all times. Once my kids went to sleep I would spend an hour cleaning. Now that we are stuck at home, you can imagine the extra amount of stuff lingering in every inch and corner. Dishes in the sink, piles of laundry, toys everywhere. I have realized that my house doesn't need to be perfect; I am more thankful for who's in it.”

Collectively, we’re quarantining with

💍 4 spouses

👶 6 kids

🐱 6 cats 

🐶 3 dogs 

🐐 3 goats 

🐠 3 fish

🐹 1 hamster

“My husband works at a high school, so the impact of isolation has been much more profound on him. He celebrated graduates from the safety of his car and also received a yard sign thanking staff. These small gestures were exhilarating for someone used to being around hundreds of people a day (and vicariously me). We also inherited (and killed 1/3 of) his department’s plants, which he brought home to foster during the shutdown.”

How we’re coping

  • No travel means I can actually enjoy my home
  • Gardening and getting outside as much as possible
  • Daily walks with family or dogs
  • I’ve dedicated 30 minutes a day to working out on the treadmill, improving my mentality and moods – I promised myself I will stick with it after the quarantine
  • A single glass of chardonnay every night
  • Daily dance parties at home
  • Our son’s boarding school has gone above and beyond to ensure physical safety and mental well-being – an enormous comfort during this turbulent time

“I love my weekly Zoom meetings with my family (mom, aunts, sisters). We are all in different states and everyone is always on the go, so it’s nice to see them once a week and catch up on everything and nothing at the same time.”

Our media mix

Before We Were Yours by Lisa Wingate

Killing Eve, Ozark, The English Game, Bosch, Dead to Me, House of Flowers, Money Heist

The Happiness Lab, Scene on Radio by the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University

Waiting for hockey to resume!

“I look forward to getting up and going! Wherever I want. It is something that I took for granted before and I will be very grateful when I have the ability to do this again.”

Our professional lifesavers

  • ASAE & my professional network
  • The Society Civic Science Initiative
  • Constantly bouncing ideas off colleagues – we talk several times a week
  • Harvard Business Review
  • The Communications Network
  • Headphones – my spouse is working at home too and is on the phone all day!

“I love following and connecting with members on Twitter. It's a great way to see what they’re facing in their day-to-day lives and, in many instances, the chatter is funny.”

Our guilty pleasures

  • Animal Crossing
  • Costco
  • Puzzles
  • The peace and quiet of the landscape, reminding me of the stillness after a snowfall
  • Jeni’s Ice Cream

“I don't really need a car… but in all seriousness, I haven't needed to go out to restaurants as much as I used to.”

We’re forgiving ourselves for

  • Not being as productive as I think I should be
  • Snacking all day
  • Not working out daily
  • Not cooking elaborate meals every night – chicken nuggets are just fine sometimes