Abstract Scoring Rubric 

Scoring Rubric for Abstract Review

Abstracts will be blindly scored using the abstract scoring rubric shown below and available to download as a PDF.


Scoring Rubric for Abstract Review at the AAA Annual Meeting


(5 points)

(4 points)

(3 points)

(2 points)

(1 point)

(0 points)

Introduction & Objective (research question/aim)
5 points

  • The introduction strongly demonstrates that the literature has been adequately reviewed.
  • The introduction is a strong, clear, and thorough, yet concise, overview to the problem.
  • Based on the presented background and knowledge gap, a specific, clear, and testable research objective is stated.
  • The introduction demonstrates that the literature has been reviewed.
  • The introduction is a clear, and somewhat thorough background to the problem.
  • Based on the presented background and knowledge gap, a clear and testable research objective is stated.
  • The introduction partially demonstrates that the literature has been reviewed.
  • The introduction provides a clear, and somewhat thorough background to the problem.
  • Based on presented background and knowledge gap, a testable research objective is stated.
  • The introduction very weakly demonstrates that the literature has been reviewed.
  • The introduction provides a background that is not informed by aims.
  • A clear, but untestable research objective is stated.
  • The introduction does not demonstrate that the literature has been reviewed.
  • The introduction provides a background that is not informed by aims.
  • A vague, untestable research objective is stated.
  • The introduction and research objective are not provided.

Materials and Methods
5 points

The methods provide a strong and clear explanation of the proposed experimental

The methods provide a clear explanation of the proposed experimental methods.

The methods provide an adequate. explanation of proposed experimental

The methods provide an unorganized. explanation of experimental methods.

The methods provide an unclear and unorganized explanation of experimental methods.

The methods are not provided.

5 points

The conclusion is fully supported by the study results.

The conclusion is mostly supported by the study

The conclusion is only partially supported by the study results.

The conclusion is weakly supported by the study

The conclusion is not supported by the study results.

The conclusion is missing.



Exemplary (10 points)

Outstanding (8 points)

Strong (6 points)

Adequate (4 points)

Weak (2 point)

Poor (0 points)

10 points

  • The results are clear and connected to the purpose of the study.
  • The results strictly follow the presentation of the methods.
  • The results provide findings without interpretation of the results.
  • The results are clear and connected to the purpose of study.
  • The results mainly follow the presentation of the methods.
  • The results provide findings with some interpretation of the results.
  • The results attempt to present findings but might be unclear OR some information is missing from the results.
  • The results follow the presentation of the methods.
  • The results attempt to present findings but might be unclear AND some information is missing from the results.
  • Results loosely follow the presentation of the methods.
  • The results do not present concrete data, they are unclear findings, and/or do not relate to the study purpose.
  • Results do not follow the presentation of the methods.

The results are missing (no data provided) or states in the future the results will be reported.

Significance/ Implication 10 points

The significance section presents rationale and the importance of proposed work in the form of a well- structured, logical argument.

The significance section presents rationale and importance of the proposed work in the form of a partially well- structured

The significance section presents rationale and importance of the proposed work in the form of a structured argument.

The significance section weakly presents rationale and importance of the of proposed work in the form of a structured

The significance section shows some effort to present the rationale and significance of proposed work.

The rationale and the importance of the proposed work in the significance section are not articulated.

TOTAL SCORE (Max = 35 points)